Voice Acting and Voiceover

Voiceprint: Sparkling, Youthful, Quirky

Full Demo

Individual Demo Spots

Broadcast-Quality Home Studio

Isolated and Treated

Remote-ready for live direction:
Source-Connect Standard: isabelanneto
Zoom, Discord, Skype

Equipment: RØDE NT1
Focusrite Scarlett Solo
Wired high-speed internet

Photo by Kayleigh McCollum

Sparkling, Youthful, and Quirky! My voiceprint is animated and energetic, bright and bubbly, and even fruity! (It’s giving tropical fruit-flavored sparkling water in a mason jar with a reusable bendy straw.) If my voice were an animal, it would be winged and colorful, like a blue jay, butterfly, or peacock. :)

I bring some of myself into every diverse character I embody and have a playable range of 13-30, though sometimes I’ve stretched as far as toddler and “old lady”. I can be your little sister, best friend, a young mom, an employee with boss potential, as well as Everyone’s Favorite Barista (to which I bring 3 years of lived experience, though “favorite” is certainly subjective)!

I will breathe life into your written words and lift them up off the page with intention and great care. I can convey and amplify the message you want your audience to hear clearly, and adeptly adapt to brand voices, story beats, and character motivations.

In addition, I’d be more than happy to connect you with someone in my incredibly talented network if you are in need of another kind of voiceprint or character not currently in my repertoire.

Thanks again for checking me out!

Ready to book me?

For voiceover opportunities:

please contact my agent Cal Grant

For on-camera opportunities:
please contact my agent Katie Cronin