The Skin We’re In
Killing My Lobster

“...Sketches mine laughs from the body’s unpredictability...a patient has their heart rhythms described to them in the form of tap-dancing by a medical assistant (Isabel To). It’s a suprisingly educational piece.

“Also reliably hilarious is KML regular To, who gets a solo spot to deliver a PSA about body positivity that’s simultaneously funny, sad, and reassuring.”

Charles Lewis III - 48 Hills (Aug. 25, 2023)

Tap dancing heart

Photo by Kayleigh McCollum

Tea Party
One Of Our Own Theater

“The uneasiness increases as the play goes on. The bumbling Analyst (energetic Isabel Anne Torres) betrays her government agency. The blurred lines between right and wrong worry me. She starts as an optimistic enforcer but becomes a struggling idealist.”

Hamilton Nguyen - Theatrius (Mar. 8, 2023)

Analyst in Tea Party by Gordon Dahlquist

Photo by Cheshire Isaacs

Let’s Do the S*x
Killing My Lobster

“To is such a natural fit for KML, it’s hard to believe this is only her second show. Sketches featuring her as a bro-ish flower (yes, really) and a dedicated Greenpeace petitioner are just two highlights.”

Charles Lewis III - 48 Hills (Jun 8, 2022)

Photo by Kayleigh McCollum

Model Minority Report
Killing My Lobster

“Even if Isabel To didn’t have a blinding turquoise mane, she’d easily distinguish herself as a wig-swapping chameleon. When you can pull off ‘bad boy in a bar’, a series of angry mothers, and friggin’ Pikachu altogether, you’ve got a lot going for you.”

Charles Lewis III - The Thinking Man’s Idiot (Sep. 30, 2019)

Photo by Kayleigh McCollum

Avenue Q (Seasons 5 and 6)
New Conservatory Theatre Center

“Isabel Anne To...hilarious as Christmas Eve”

Vince Mediaa - Vmedia (Dec. 18, 2017)

“The role of Christmas Eve, who is written in the script as having a heavy accent, was performed masterfully by Isabel Anne To — this time, without an accent. NCTC chose to remove as much of this problematic element as possible, which is a respectable choice. It also shows the effort put in to reducing the elements of the musical that push it beyond the boundaries of simple satire and into potential gray areas, the musical having been written by men not of Asian American descent.”

Olivia Popp - The Stanford Daily (Feb. 9, 2019)

Photo by Lois Tema

The Song of the Nightingale
Town Hall Theatre

"...a strong cast equally adept at handling comedy and more serious moments….the story of a peasant girl (nicely done by Isabel Anne To) who hopes to better her future by bringing the nightingale to the demanding Emperor”

Sally Hogarty - East Bay Times (Oct. 10, 2017)

“Poor fisher girl Mei Lin (irrepressible Isabel To) opens the show with a hopeful song….The cast, well experienced in children’s theater, makes it a ball.”

Robert M. Garner - Theatrius (Oct. 11, 2017)

Photo by Jay Yamada

Photo by Jay Yamada

Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site
Bay Area Children’s Theatre

“At the imaginary construction site… each [character] has a clear, vibrant personality that increasingly resembles a child or a parent as bedtime draws near...Excavator (Isabel Anne To) is maternal in the way she guides the other trucks toward bath time and a bedtime story.

”The actors are a very strong team, firing off lines on each others’ heels with ease, like the well-oiled machines they represent.”

Rosa del Duca - Theatrius (Jun. 12, 2017)

Photo by Melissa Nigro

4000 Miles
Pacifica Spindrift Players

"Isabel Anne To as Amanda is deliciously quick witted and spot on in her riotous encounter with Leo and his grandmother."

Jean Bartlett - Pacifica Tribune (Jan. 21, 2016)

Photo by Lance Huntley

Meet Me in St. Louis
Pacifica Spindrift Players

"Isabel To plays daughter Esther Smith (played in the movie by Judy Garland), and the lady can sing and dance and charm. She owned that role and touched every heart with her performance."

Jean Bartlett - Pacifica Tribune/The Mercury News (Aug. 19, 2014)

Photo by Lance Huntley